OFFICIAL YEARNOWRIMAD 2012 PARTICIPANTS ONLY: If you have completed a significant portion of a work using YearNoWriMad (10,000 word minimum), please email me at yearnowrimad [at] gmail [dot] com with an author picture and your book cover along with answers to the following questions:

1. Tell us about your novel and your current word count.
2. Would you have come this far without YearNoWriMad? If not, what aspect(s) of YearNoWriMad drove you to get 'er done?
3. What aspect of YearNoWriMad did you find most rewarding?
4. What is your word count goal for 2013?

Please note that we reserve the right to edit your submission for content and clarity. 


If you intend to set a personally challenging goal this year for YearNoWriMad, feel free to tell us about it! Please email me at yearnowrimad [at] gmail [dot] com with an author picture and answers to the following questions:

1. What is your personal challenge for YearNoWriMad 2013?
2. What obstacles will you most likely face along the way? How will you expertly combat them?
3. What made you want to take on this particular challenge?
4. How do you plan to emerge from your personal challenge successfully?

Set a goal that is challenging for YOU. Don't feel obligated to write an insane amount of words in a day/week/month just because other members are setting seemingly larger goals than your own. Pick a challenging goal that is appropriate to your lifestyle and schedule. This is all about setting PERSONAL challenges, yo!

Please note that we reserve the right to edit your submission for content and clarity. 


Going to join in on the YearNoWriMad goodness come launch time? Tell us what you hope to accomplish this year and share predictions about your end word counts, productivity levels, and "I can't write because..." excuses! Please email me at yearnowrimad [at] gmail [dot] com with an author picture and answers to the following questions:

1. Why does YearNoWriMad appeal to you?
2. What are your goals for YearNoWriMad 2013? 
3. What do you think your final word counts will actually be come December 31st? Will you have hit your goals, come close, or petered out a mere month in? (For the latter two: what excuses will you inevitably use to justify not writing?)
4. Give yourself one piece of advice to refer back to once the site launches.

Please note that we reserve the right to edit your submission for content and clarity. 

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